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About Us

The mission of the Longview Institute is to articulate and promote a vision of our nation based on a moral economy and a just society. Our belief in individual liberty, accompanied by collective responsibility, is deeply rooted in the highest ideals of the American progressive tradition. Working with others, we seek to influence Americans to think about old problems in new ways and to change the terms of debate. Our ultimate goal is to rethink and promote public policy that will lead to an America admired for its moral economy, its personal freedom, and its social and economic justice.

The Longview Institute works to:

  • Reframe the public debate to make a progressive moral vision more persuasive and resonant.
  • Tell the progressive story in moral terms and connect it to the values and ideals embodied in America’s history and traditions.
  • Advance public policies that will bring us closer to a society that is just, democratic, humane and environmentally sustainable.
  • Support a unified voice among those working for progressive change by developing a shared progressive story, a common moral language and shared policy directions.

Longview is a project of the Tides Center. As a tax-exempt non-profit research and educational institution, the Longview Institute does not endorse or oppose any candidate for elected office or any political party. We are grateful to the Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation, the Open Society Institute, the Ford Foundation, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, and the Marguerite Casey Foundation for supporting our work.

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