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Ruth Rosen: Women's Vote Is an Elusive Force

Ruth Rosen takes a critical look at a new book that promises to reveal "what women really want".

The Compassion Gap in American Poverty Policy

Hurricane Katrina suddenly revealed the face of poverty in our midst. But why was that such a surprise? This analysis explains why the poor repeatedly disappear from sight and why our current policies towards the poor are both ineffective and inconsistent with our moral values.

New Book by Jerome Karabel

Longview's Jerome Karabel is about to publish an important book on merit and privilege in American society. The book, The Chosen: The Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, is based on extensive research in university archives. Karabel shows the critical shifts in admission criteria over the course of the 20th century. For more on the book, including the first chapter, go to the book's website. An excerpt from the book recently appeared in the New York Times Education Life Supplement.

Ruth Rosen: Get Hitched, Young Woman

Ruth Rosen responds to the latest efforts by conservative ideologues to change the subject in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

How to Deal with a National Disgrace

Ruth Rosen argues for responding to the disaster of Hurricane Katrina with a revived commitment to common effort and true compassion.

E.J. Graff to Join Longview

E.J. Graff, a prolific journalist, advocate, and author of the influential book, What is Marriage For? The Strange Social History of Our Most Intimate Institution (Beacon Press), will be joining Longview as a Fellow.

Ruth Rosen: Toxic Terror

How one community fought for the human right to breathe clean air: a review of Steve Lerner's Diamond: A Struggle for Environmental Justice in Louisiana's Chemical Corridor.

Donald Light: Health Care and the Faith Community

Donald Light, a distinguished medical sociologist, explains why the demand for universal access to health care should be a central concern of faith communities. He elaborates a powerful moral and economic critique of our current health care system.

Retirement Security: A Moral Economy Proposal

Fred Block applies the Moral Economy perspective to the debate about Social Security and other retirement programs. He proposes an alternative revenue source that would allow us to protect both present and future generations of retirees from economic hardship and insecurity.

Carole Joffe: The Right's Bitter Pill

In this piece, Carole Joffe discusses one of the most unusual new fronts in the neverending abortion war--the growing instances of "pro-life" pharmacists who refuse to fill women's birth control prescriptions. Similar to other pieces on the Longview website, Joffe argues here that the reproductive rights movement, while supporting legal abortions, also works to prevent unwanted pregnancies; in contrast, many of those opposed to abortion also promote policies that virtually assure there will be more unwanted pregnancies, and thus, more abortions. Given the near universality of contraceptive use by American women, and especially the high rate of use of birth control pills, and the high rate of approval of contraceptive use by Americans generally, Joffe sees this movement of pharmacists' refusal as a classic case of "overreaching" by the Religious Right that may well backfire.

Welcome to the Longview Institute

Longview is a new institute started by seven of the eight founding fellows of the Rockridge Institute. We created Longview because we believe it will allow us to make more rapid progress on the work that we began at Rockridge. We are deeply grateful to all of the individuals and organizations that have provided past financial support and hope that we will enjoy your continued involvement.

Talking About Public Health: Developing America's "Second Language"

Advancing public health policy requires invigorating America’s "second language" of community by recognizing the human interconnection underlying the core social justice values of public health, argue Lawrence Wallack and Regina Lawrence.

Ruth Rosen: Our Founding Mothers

A review of Carol Berkin's Revolutionary Mothers, which looks at the roles women played in the American struggle for independence.

Fred Block: Bush's Defunct Economist

The case for privatizing Social Security depends on an error of logic. If in the future, there are too few wage earners to support too many retirees, private accounts will not solve the problem.
Some recent writings by colleagues that we want to share with you.

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