Longview Institute News
Fred Block and Matthew Keller: Where Do Innovations Come From? Transformations in the U.S. National Innovation System, 1970-2006
In this report published by the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation, Fred Block and Matthew Keller show how the nature of the U.S. innovation system has changed dramatically over the course of the last 40 years. The authors analyze a sample of innovations recognized by R&D Magazine as being among the top 100 innovations of the year over the last four decades.No publisherjudejb2008-07-09 11:36:57Book Review: Ruth Rosen on Charles Postel's The Populist Vision
Do the socially progressive ideals that jump-started 20th-century reform movements have lessons
relevant to the concerns of 21st-century America? A new book makes a strong case that they do.No publisherjudejb2008-07-09 11:33:48No Such Thing as a Free Market
The New York Sun recently published a critical "reconsideration" of Karl Polanyi's mid-20th Century text, The Great Transformation. Fred Block shows that the issues are not academic but are critically relevant for today's political and economic debates. No publisherjudejb2008-06-11 07:29:36Ruth Rosen: Tales From Inside the Editorial Board Room
In this TPM Cafe piece, Ruth Rosen reflects on the pressure she and other members of the media felt to suppress their skepticism about the Bush administration's rationale to go to war.No publisherjudejb
National Security
2008-06-09 13:24:36Fred Block: America’s Stealth Industrial Policy
Fred Block writes in Miller-McCune that free marketers want the government off business's back, but may not realize how much of the spine is government funded.No publisherjudejb
2008-06-07 21:30:54Talking Inequality
How can progressives be effective in framing issues of social and economic inequality? This two-part document from the Social Equity and Opportunity Forum at Portland State University documents and addresses the fact that when activists and advocates say one thing, their audiences often hear a very different message.No publishermrkeller2008-05-08 18:54:42Market Myth Four: Financial Markets Thrive when Regulation is Kept to a Minimum
John Maynard Keynes reminded us during the Great Depression, ?When the capital development of a country becomes the by-product of a casino, the job is likely to be ill done.? The role of hedge funds in the recent meltdown of the home mortgage market is a powerful reminder of his wisdom.No publishermrkeller2008-05-01 00:30:31Fred Block: Mortgage Meltdown for Dummies
In a piece posted on the Dissent webpage, Fred Block connects the dots behind the mortgage meltdown and suggests the lessons for the Presidential electionNo publisherfred2008-03-20 17:16:49Democracy in Action
In a piece published in Dissent, Ruth Rosen draws on her experience as a juror to tell us what democracy looks like. No publisherfred
2008-01-21 10:47:06Paul Krugman: Blindly into the Bubble
For years, former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan refused to regulate the subprime lending market because of his faith that the market would regulate itself. Now that the crisis has hit, Paul Krugman writes, both the former and current chairmen have acknowledged that, for some completely unforeseeable reason, "market discipline has, in some cases, broken down."No publisherjayaram2007-12-22 21:25:50Groveling for Choice: What Good Doctors Will Do