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Lawrence Wallack

Lawrence Wallack

Dean, College of Urban and Public Affairs
Portland State University
and Emeritus Professor, Public Health
University of California, Berkeley
Expertise: Public Health, Mass Media, and Social Change

Lawrence Wallack is Dean, College of Urban and Public Affairs, Portland State University and Emeritus Professor, Public Health University of California, Berkeley. He was the founding director of the Berkeley Media Studies Group, an organization conducting research and training in the use of media to promote healthy public policies. Dr. Wallack is one of the primary architects of media advocacy--an innovative approach to working with mass media to advance public health. He has published extensively and lectures frequently on the news media and public health policy issues. He is the principal author of News for a Change: An Advocate's Guide to Working with the Media (1999) and Media Advocacy and Public Health: Power for Prevention (1993). He is also co-editor of Mass Media and Public Health: Complexities and Conflicts (1990).

Dr. Wallack is the recipient of several awards, including the: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Innovator Award (2000), Distinguished Wellness Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley (1997); Alfred W. Childs Distinguished Award for Faculty Service, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley (1996-97); University of California Health Net Wellness Award Lecturer (1994); Early Career Award, Community Health Education Section, American Public Health Association (1984); Peer Recognition Award, Society of Public Health Educators, Northern California (1983); and Beryl Roberts Prize in Health Education (1980).

Dr. Wallack has appeared on Nightline, Good Morning America, the CBS Evening News, the Today Show, Cable Network News, Oprah, and numerous local news and public affairs programs to discuss his research and comment on policy issues regarding public health problems.

LongviewInstitute.Org resources by Lawrence Wallack:

Letter from Longview President
Bridges to Change
Longview will build strong relationships with key constituencies
The Common Good
A ladder of opportunity in dire need of repair
Health Care Insurance Must be Made Universal
Media Advocacy and Public Health
News for a Change
Step-by-step instructions for working with the media to promote social change.
Larry Wallack on universal health care.
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News Items
Lawrence Wallack: Retelling the American story
Americans pride ourselves on self-reliance, but we also celebrate our ability to come together as a community to solve common problems, writes Lawrence Wallack. In this cogent meditation on America’s national stories, Wallack argues that our recent focus on individualistic values must now give way to a sense of shared purpose as America confronts the challenges of economic inequality and environment change.
Framing: More Than A Message
Talking About Public Health: Developing America's "Second Language"

The mission of public health—improving the health of populations—is difficult to advance in public discourse because a language to express the values animating that mission has not been adequately developed. Following on the work of Robert Bellah, Dan Beauchamp, and others, we argue that the first “language” of American culture is individualism.

A second American language of community—rooted in egalitarianism, humanitarianism, and human interconnection—serves as the first language of public health. These values resonate with many Americans but are not easily articulated. Consequently, reductionist, individualistic understandings of public health problems prevail.

Advancing the public health approach to the nation’s health challenges requires invigorating America’s second language by recognizing the human interconnection underlying the core social justice values of public health.

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