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This is a selection of key Longview documents from the newest to the oldest.

Talking Inequality

This document from the Social Equity and Opportunity Forum at Portland State University addresses what has been a core issue for Longview--how can progressives be effective in framing issues of social and economic inequality. In the first part, Joseph Grady and Axel Aubrun show how often activists and advocates say one thing, but their audiences hear a very different message. In the second part, Lori Dorfman and Larry Wallack of Longview suggest ways to address the problems that Grady and Aubrun identify.

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Larry Wallack on universal health care.

This item has been moved. The new location is below.

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We have found these reflections by others on current events to be particularly useful.

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Colorblind Racism

Sally Lehrman's article draws on an interview with Rockridge's Troy Duster.

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Medicine and People of Color

Troy Duster on an unlikely mix: race, biology and drugs

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Debating Proposition 54: Data that bear on matters of life and death

Troy Duster examines California's "Racial Privacy Initiative".

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New Book by Longview's Troy Duster

The link describes the co-authored book, *Whitewashing Race: The Myth of a Color-Blind Society*, published by University of California Press.

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Bridges to Change

Longview will build strong relationships with key constituencies

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The Longview Mission

The mission of the Longview Institute is to help achieve a just, democratic, environmentally sustainable, and humane society.

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Race and National Security [link moved]

This article has been moved. The new location is below.

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Amplifying Progressive Voices: Values to Live By

This page contains a sampling of some of the most articulate recent statements of progressive values that we have found. We will add additional pieces to provide a kind of living library of the development of a coherent and unified progressive vision.

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