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Search Results, Issue: Foreign Policy

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6 item(s) matching your criteria; sorted by type.
    Liberal Hawks and Genocide in Darfur by Ruth Rosen, 01-30-2007
    Barbara Ehrenreich's Commencement Address at Barnard College by Barbara Ehrenreich, 01-30-2007
In an address delivered to the 2004 graduating class at Barnard College, social analyst Barbara Ehrenreich discusses how the horrors at Abu Ghraib have been a trial by fire for feminist ideas. Ms. Ehrenreich is the author of "Nickled and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America". She also serves on the Longview Institute Advisory Board.
 Downloadable Files
    Fred Block: Why is the U.S. Fighting in Iraq? 09-10-2007
Was the Bush administration solving international problems—or domestic ones?
    Fred Block: Why is the U.S. Fighting in Iraq? 09-10-2007
Was the Bush administration solving international problems—or domestic ones?
 News Items
    Ruth Rosen: The Hidden War on Iraqi Women by Ruth Rosen, 01-30-2007
Horrible as the abuse and torture of Iraqi men has been, Ruth Rosen writes on, many Iraqi women have suffered both physical and sexual violence. Because of the military's guilt and the victims' shame, these crimes against women often go unreported.
    Ruth Rosen: What's fueled the U.S.-Iran war of words? by Ruth Rosen, 10-24-2007
In the San Francisco Chronicle, Ruth Rosen praises Reese Erlich, author of The Iran Agenda: The Real Story of U.S. Policy and the Middle East Crisis, as a "truth teller" who predicted the harsh consequences of war with Iraq before it began. His new book, Rosen writes, "can help readers understand why Iran and the United States may - or may not - soon be involved in yet another war."

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