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Search Results, Issue: National Security

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5 item(s) matching your criteria; sorted by type.
    Democracy Matters by Ruth Rosen, 01-30-2007
Ruth Rosen addresses some of the costs of the war on terrorism.
    Barbara Ehrenreich's Commencement Address at Barnard College by Barbara Ehrenreich, 01-30-2007
In an address delivered to the 2004 graduating class at Barnard College, social analyst Barbara Ehrenreich discusses how the horrors at Abu Ghraib have been a trial by fire for feminist ideas. Ms. Ehrenreich is the author of "Nickled and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America". She also serves on the Longview Institute Advisory Board.
    Race and National Security by Jerome Karabel, 01-30-2007
Jerome Karabel on why preservation of affirmative action at home is vital to long-term national security.
    Ruth Rosen: Tales From Inside the Editorial Board Room 06-09-2008
In this TPM Cafe piece, Ruth Rosen reflects on the pressure she and other members of the media felt to suppress their skepticism about the Bush administration's rationale to go to war.
 News Items
    Ruth Rosen: Soft Crimes Against Democracy - What Ever Happened to Freedom of Information? by Ruth Rosen, 09-07-2007
At, Ruth Rosen traces the Bush administration's many attempts to suppress information in the name of national security and reminds us how much we have already lost due to secrecy and deception.

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